Germaine Gioia is a veteran business development executive with a demonstrated 25+ year history of success in the interactive and licensing industries, specializing in premier sports, video game, and entertainment brand integrations. As the founder of Playlife Co., a licensing agency that represents premier sports, game, and entertainment brands, Germaine delivers a proven track record in negotiating and overseeing the evolution of lifestyle trends across game platforms and merchandise categories. Her expertise includes creating branded mobile, console, PC, and arcade games; developing licensed properties across media and merchandise categories; and cultivating strategic partnerships.
Playlife Co. property representation currently includes Dorna Sports’ MotoGP; UIM E1 World Championships; Play Mechanix’ classic arcade game, Big Buck Hunter; Major League Wrestling (MLW); the premier Mexican luchadores and luchadoras of Masked Republic; Bruce Lee’s Masters of One original IP; KESS Co. board game and outdoor toy manufacturer; and more.
Before founding Playlife Co., Germaine led licensing and business development efforts for THQ and Capcom Entertainment, securing renowned IPs for game development, managing merchandising partnerships, and developing the companies’ owned, original properties across consumer product categories.
Germaine holds a bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt University and is an active member of Women in Games International, Women in Toys (WIT), and the Licensing International Industry Merchandisers Association (LIMA). She also advises several emerging technology platforms, supporting branded game partnerships.